About Me

An architect graduate with a total of 17 years in the design & creative industry.

I discovered my full passion for a creative strategy in branding and marketing when joined a boutique event management company in 2009.

My Experience
Creative Director | Dorier
Senior Designer (Shopper Marketing) | Anthem - SGK
Senior Creative | Leo Burnett - Publicis Groupe
Senior Creative (3D) | Imagination
Senior Event Architect | Visionnaire


Mariana Berney
"It was a pleasure to work with him. He has a great work ethic and his talent, commitment and positivity come through in all the work he delivers. He is a great creative asset to any company, and he will be missed by all of us at Imagination."
Mariana Berney
Azman Jani
“Working with him on those designs with extreme details was seamlessly painless. Very helpful, knowledgeable and cheerful individual that one must have in the office. "I won't have a second thought to have you in my team by any chance."
Azman Jani
Pardeep Kainth
"Professionally, he is an ideas/design man, and is capable of outstanding creative thought - he works from idea/rational/concept to visual expression seamlessly. A very talented creative director/lead with a solution to every problem.

With decades of design experience and bags of ideas, he takes on the toughest, most complex creative projects, and creates brilliant solutions where you might think there are none to be had.

He cares greatly about the creative work he produces, and/or is responsible for, and that it is produced to the highest available standard: second best is unacceptable on his watch."
Pardeep Kainth
Terry Tan
“Have worked with him for over three years on projects of different scales, am always impress with his creative approach yet practical sense to his craft (ensuring the budget does not get blown up) being positive towards all projects and tight deadlines while ensuring only quality work are released.

Some jobs I have worked on with him would be YouTube Fanfest 2013, Shell Eco-Marathon 2014 to 2016 and McLaren driving experience 2016.”
Terry Tan